One and All: Trust
This photograph was submitted to our project One and All. What do you think is beautiful? What makes you feel strong? What makes your community better?
To participate, just take out a camera (cell phone cameras work too) and then:
1) Take a picture of something you love and email it to us at by December 16, 2013.
- In the subject line put: One and All (your first name, your last name)
- Include in the email one word that describes why you chose to submit that picture. It can be related to the color, texture, content, whatever is important to you but remember: just one word.
- Only one picture per email please
- This is a family friendly event so images should be appropriate for all ages. TOI reserves the right to exclude images that are deemed inappropriate or offensive.
2) Mark January 20, 2014 on your calendar. Come to the IMA on that day to view and interact with One and All.