Posts Tagged ‘Tools’

Our work with artists of any age starts with the materials on hand. An open studio begins with graphite, color pencils, oil pastels. Some of our residencies were centered on laundry drying racks and construction flagging tape. Other residencies required a heightened awareness of light, photography, and words. An example of this was our legacy […]

Untitled Failure
Making mistakes is tough on one’s self image and essential to one’s self transformation. Mistakes are a part of everyday life. When we “brand” ourselves too brilliantly there isn’t any room for “failure” in the images we project of ourselves out into the world. Back in the day this was called “Keeping up with the […]

Outgrowing Your Workspace
Everything doesn’t fit onto our screens. The glare and reflections that bounce off the glass and plastic protectors on our phones, tablets, laptops, and flatscreens creates barriers between us and our content. We don’t notice this. As I’m writing this on my computer I can see everything behind me, including myself, in any of the […]

Daylight Savings Time as Timelessness
The clock on the wall of my studio tells me that it is 8:12. A week ago at this time it would have been 7:12. This large clock, that also shows temperature and humidity, is run by a little double A battery and its hands, its hours, its minutes and seconds are not connected to […]
Tools 46235 Exhibit at Galeria Magnifica
It is tempting to try mapping out the opening scene where we get a sweeping view of the landscape and of time. I want to describe 46235 to you, bring you in a little closer, show you through rich detail how Galeria Magnifica is located behind gum ball machines, wedged between a nail salon and […]

Tools: Sarah Adams
On May 8, 2014, the Tools exhibit took place at the Big Car Service Center. This piece is by Sarah Adams. I am a woman of few words. I can cook an entire meal with one fork. Dirtying only one utensil. That is all. Sarah Adams

Tools: Brian Ventresca
On May 8, 2014, the Tools exhibit took place at the Big Car Service Center. This piece is by Brian Ventresca. Corners, to be precise, inside corners, are always a dilemma because they, in theory are always 90 degrees, but in reality never are. Which for the most part never concerns anyone, but for a carpenter, it […]

Tools: Philip Campbell
On May 8, 2014, the Tools exhibit took place at the Big Car Service Center. This piece is by Philip Campbell. My mother is the youngest of five children and I am the youngest of three, so my grandfather was “old” when I was born. I was given his middle name as my middle name. Willian Hayden […]

Tools: Matt Miller
On May 8, 2014, the Tools exhibit took place at the Big Car Service Center. This piece is by Matt Miller. My tool opens people up to the world. It makes learning possible that could never be possible otherwise. It’s inexpensive, but what comes out of it is priceless and invaluable. My tool: a webcam. I’m a […]