Posts Tagged ‘community’

One and All: STRENGTH
This photograph was submitted to our project One and All. What do you think is beautiful? What makes you feel strong? What makes your community better? To participate, just take out a camera (cell phone cameras work too) and then: 1) Take a picture of something you love and email it to us at by […]

One and All: Comfort
This photograph was submitted to our project One and All. What do you think is beautiful? What makes you feel strong? What makes your community better? To participate, just take out a camera (cell phone cameras work too) and then: 1) Take a picture of something you love and email it to us at by […]

Indy Loves You: Monument Circle Sept 22, 2013
Indy Loves You: Monument Circle Sept 22, 2013, a set on Flickr. Indianapolis is great at rolling out the red carpet for special events like the Super Bowl and Indy 500. But what about other days? The days where people are just going about their lives: going to work, looking for a comfortable spot to […]

Chairs / 10-28-13
I figured out something today – it’s not about the chairs: (excerpts) 3:02 a.m. I send out a handful of invitations via e-mail and text. In the invite I include a photo of the chairs the last time we set them out. The Circle Tower Building dominates the background. In the foreground three people are […]

Chairs Remix
It is snowing. On the ground it turns out to be more ice and water than snowflakes. This seems early for Indianapolis. Halloween is a week away and only the maple leaves are earnestly turning yellow. Autumn still has a lot to do before winter takes over. It’s impossible not to conjure up little weather […]

Indy Loves You: Participating from Afar
This week the Theater of Inclusion launched its Indy Loves You project, which seeks to engage people to think about their relationship with the city. Throughout the next few months, Dante and Rebecca will be creating pop-up experiences across the city. At each place, they will be encouraging people to take time to consider their […]

Indy Loves You
Dante and I both grew up in Indianapolis. Throughout the 13 years that we have worked together we have often discussed the city: our memories of growing up here, the changes we observe taking place, and the future we want to help shape for Indianapolis. So many of the conversations with our colleagues, particularly since […]

Indy Loves You: Downtown
If you walk out of the Starbucks on Monument Circle, at the center of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana and cast your gaze to the east toward the City Market what you’ll see the ubiquitous street scene. The details are made up of “pedestrians”, automobiles and trucks looking for parking spaces, a jumble of street lights, store […]
One and All
Dante and I are honored to be creating an interactive installation titled One and All at the Indianapolis Museum of Art for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 20, 2014. As we were having our initial design conversations I read King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” several times. The following passage struck me deeply […]
Central Library and the Grand Canyon
Standing on the south rim of the Grand Canyon with my father a few years back he commented, “It’s too big.” My dad doesn’t know how to sip a moment. He gulps down places as if he were dying of thirst for experience. And if the experience of a place is too big to fit […]