Posts Tagged ‘presentations’

Untitled Failure
Making mistakes is tough on one’s self image and essential to one’s self transformation. Mistakes are a part of everyday life. When we “brand” ourselves too brilliantly there isn’t any room for “failure” in the images we project of ourselves out into the world. Back in the day this was called “Keeping up with the […]

Outgrowing Your Workspace
Everything doesn’t fit onto our screens. The glare and reflections that bounce off the glass and plastic protectors on our phones, tablets, laptops, and flatscreens creates barriers between us and our content. We don’t notice this. As I’m writing this on my computer I can see everything behind me, including myself, in any of the […]

Performing real stories in artificial settings
Most of the time Dante and I are coaching someone that is preparing for a performance, we are focused on helping them tell their authentic story in an engaging way. We explore the balance of keeping the story real while making adjustments for the artificial setting of a stage. Let’s admit it, it feels weird […]
Presentation: International Idea Festival (Lexington, KY)
In 2004 Dante and Rebecca presented at IdeaFestival.