Posts Tagged ‘place making’

Woman in White Coat with Plastic Bag Opening Public Library Door
Group Portrait, Polaroid Photograph, Children’s After School Program, Haight Ashbury Community Coalition, July 1985. Taken on the front steps of the Park Branch Public Library, 1833 Page Street, San Francisco, CA.

“Folderology” (not found in any dictionary) is a Theater of Inclusion made up term used to describe the work we do with file folders. For years file folders as art making and installation materials have been part of our work and we’ve recently brought them into the classroom – in this case the hallway. We […]

Vidal Sassoon and Fall Creek
After scanning through brief words from Thomas Edison, George Bernard Shaw, and Bruce Lee I settled on a quote from Vidal Sassoon – “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” I held my phone up to display the quote to my daughter who promptly asked, through a mouthful of blueberry […]

Big Deal Hands
Hands are a big deal. This past summer Rebecca and I worked on a public mural, commissioned by Indiana Sports Corp for USA Diving. This was to commemorate the 2016 USA Olympic Diving Team Trials. The event took place here in Indy at the IU Natatorium during the month of June. Rebecca and I set […]

Of Power Lines and Trees
Most theaters are dark places – mostly no windows kinds of places. Small theaters of this kind are called “black boxes” because when the lights are turned off the place is black. (This is my own naming theory.) Theatre and performance artists want black places so they can bring in their own flashlights and lamps […]

Outgrowing Your Workspace
Everything doesn’t fit onto our screens. The glare and reflections that bounce off the glass and plastic protectors on our phones, tablets, laptops, and flatscreens creates barriers between us and our content. We don’t notice this. As I’m writing this on my computer I can see everything behind me, including myself, in any of the […]

We Are All Equal – Period.
When we established Theater of Inclusion fifteen years ago we were focused on identifying the skill sets required to open up open dialogue. This meant boot-strap problem-solving. This meant paying close attention to how individuals expressed themselves. We had to back up and back up some more to look carefully at how people exhibited their […]

Daylight Savings Time as Timelessness
The clock on the wall of my studio tells me that it is 8:12. A week ago at this time it would have been 7:12. This large clock, that also shows temperature and humidity, is run by a little double A battery and its hands, its hours, its minutes and seconds are not connected to […]

Boxed Water and Art
“Can we go to the museum” is the text I receive, without a question mark, from my 12-year old daughter. “Yes” is my reply without period. I know there isn’t much there but the seven word exchange has my attention. By the time I arrive at school to pick her up she jumps into the […]